The message that the Covid-19 booster is vital to help everyone, including family and friends has again been outlined locally.

Bromley Council Leader Councillor Colin Smith and Executive Member for Adult Care and Health, Cllr Diane Smith joined the ranks of many Bromley residents who have had their Covid-19 booster jab at the Civic Centre vaccination site.

The Civic Centre vaccination site has played a key role in helping protect residents across the borough and elsewhere, with 119,528 successful vaccinations and counting.  Now, in addition to still offering first and second vaccinations, Covid-19 booster vaccinations are being offered, with the lives of residents being saved due to the vaccination success.

Councillor Colin Smith, Leader of Bromley Council said: “I am extremely pleased to be able to advertise the new ‘walk-in’ NHS vaccination booster centre at the Civic Centre for everyone over 50, to enable anybody who wishes to, to get their jabs done now.

“Bookings are available but not necessary. Providing you are 50+ just bring yourself, await your turn in what was a very short queue on Wednesday morning and walk away afterwards, significantly better prepared for what could still be a very tricky winter.

“New infection rates locally remain stubbornly high, with 200 people in Bromley testing positive in a day as recently as yesterday, so please take the time and effort to take up this offer.

“Although there are no guarantees of immunity for any of us, it will significantly improve your own safety and significantly reduce the chance of you passing this dreadful illness on to your own loved ones, friends, work mates, the lady at the check-out and the man sitting next to you on the bus – it really is a complete no brainer, so please, do come in and get this done for the greater good of all.”

Councillor Diane Smith added: “In addition to getting your vaccine when it is due, please remember that as we spend more time together indoors during the colder months, the risk of passing infections on to other people is much higher.  It is really important to continue with a routine that includes frequent handwashing, opening windows to ensure good ventilation of indoor areas as well as wearing face coverings in crowded and enclosed spaces and maintaining social distancing where you can when meeting people you don’t normally come into contact with. All these precautions will help us get through what could be a challenging winter for us all and the NHS too.”

Bromley has a good track-record in uptake of the vaccine. Those who have received the vaccine are less likely to fall seriously ill with the effects of the virus and have a need to be hospitalised, so it makes good sense for those who are frontline workers and those over 50 to get their booster as soon as they are eligible. You can book online at call 119 to book or just turn up at the Civic Centre vaccination centre between 8.30am and 5pm any Wednesday to Saturday and as long as you are eligible to get your jab or booster.

Picture shows: Bromley Council Leader, Cllr Colin Smith after receiving his Covid-19 booster jab from Paul at the Bromley Civic Centre vaccination centre.


Published: 12th November 2021