The No Blame No Shame campaign launched by Friends Against Scams, highlighting the impact of scams have, is being supported by the council.

The No Blame No Shame campaign seeks to shine a light on the financial and emotional impact of scams and encourage people to share their experiences, with this awareness of scams then also helping others avoid them. Statistics cited in the campaign show that 73 per cent of UK adults have been targeted by scammers, with as many as 35 per cent losing money because of this criminal offence.

Councillor Angela Page, Executive Councillor for Public Protection and Enforcement, who is also a SCAMchampion, said, “It is remarkably easy for us all to fall victim to a scam and the scamming criminals can come across as charming and attentive, but they can also be controlling, threatening and forceful. Falling victim to emotional manipulation is not uncommon and scams like these can very easily destroy lives.  These crimes should be reported but I would also encourage anyone who has been a victim of a scam to share their experience with friends and family so we can all learn and also so we can support each other too. We also need to remember that the blame should be on the criminals rather than the scam survivor.”

Scams are dishonest schemes meant to trick people out of their money or into providing their personal or financial information. They come in many different forms: post, internet, email, telephone, text, or rogue traders on your doorstep.

Scams can be directed towards anyone but often target older and more vulnerable people who are persuaded to part with large amounts of money, sometimes over and over again. One of the best defences is being forewarned so all concerned can spot a scam and take appropriate action.

For more advice and guidance on scams, please visit the Scams page on the Bromley Council website.


For media enquiries, please contact David Aderogba, Public Affairs Officer, on 020 8313 4745 or email


Published: 27th October 2023