Work by Transport for London to repair vandalised traffic lights is welcomed.

The first set of traffic lights has been repaired following a number of related incidents earlier in the week when traffic lights were severely damaged and rendered inoperable, compromising road safety.

In total, it is believed that 33 traffic signals at 13 junctions and pelican crossings in the borough require repairs, with the Council urging Transport for London (TfL) to complete this work as soon as possible, giving priority to repairs at traffic signals on routes to schools.

Councillor Nicholas Bennett, Executive Councillor for Transport, Highways and Road Safety said, “Although traffic lights are TfL’s responsibility our priority is road safety. Peter Fortune, our London Assembly member, arranged an urgent meeting with TfL and Bromley Council and as a result swift action has been taken to put up warning signs, repair the signals and to make the junctions as safe as possible, prioritising locations.”

Councillor Bennett continued, “We need TfL to remain focussed on this serious problem and we welcome the news that repair work has started. I condemn, without reservation, these criminal acts and hope the perpetrators are caught. Bromley has amongst the safest roads in London.  This vandalism compromises road safety.”


For media enquiries, please contact Andrew Rogers, Head of Public Affairs, on 020 8461 7670 or email

Published: 19th January 2024