Small businesses and entrepreneurs from across the borough came together on Tuesday 30 January to learn more about a host of exciting business support opportunities in Bromley.

Bromley Business Growth brings together various forms of free advice and assistance made available to support businesses through delivery partners Start Up Bromley, SOS Creativity, Newable, London South East Colleges and Goldsmiths, University of London.

The council successfully secured over £1.6m in grant funding from the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), which is being used to support this initiative and more widely improve town centres and high streets across the borough to support local businesses.

The launch event at Bromley Central Library allowed local business owners to hear directly from partner organisations about the variety of support on offer in Bromley. This included two recently launched services from Newable and Goldsmiths, University of London.

Newable’s Supply Bromley programme aims to help SMEs gain the skills and knowledge needed to access new supply chain and procurement opportunities with new buyers. Delivered by Goldsmiths, University of London, the Growth Builder programme offers free expert advice to local SMEs looking to expand.

These new services complement existing services that have been brought under the Bromley Business Growth umbrella such as Start Up Bromley, a business support programme operating through Bromley libraries providing a range of free services including workshops, training events and one-to-ones.

Attendees also heard more about the Bromley Business Hub, a one-stop-shop offering SMEs information on a wide range of areas such as accountancy, sales and grant funding, and the new employment support programme.

Councillor Yvonne Bear, Executive Councillor for Renewal, Recreation and Housing, said: “While Bromley is proud of its strong history of entrepreneurial success, such success does not come without significant challenges. That is why we have launched Bromley Business Growth, so that local entrepreneurs and SMEs can access support to unlock opportunities to grow and keep their business thriving. I would like to thank our delivery partners for their involvement in this important scheme, and all those who attended the launch event.”

Chandra Sharma, Business Support Manager at Start Up Bromley, which is operated through Bromley’s library service by GLL, said: “We were delighted to host the launch of Bromley Business Growth at Bromley Central Library and discuss the support available to aspiring entrepreneurs and new businesses through Start Up Bromley. It is great to bring Start Up Bromley under the Bromley Business Growth umbrella and continue to help businesses grow through our wide-ranging delivered by real experts in their fields.”

Liam Hickey, Team Manager at Newable, said: “We are thrilled to have partnered with Bromley Council to deliver the Supply Bromley Programme. Through workshops, tailored 1-2-1 support, ‘meet the buyer’ events and more, this programme will support under-represented businesses to grow their business by accessing new contract opportunities with local, regional and national buyers.”

Find out more about Bromley Business Growth and available business support.


For media enquiries, please contact Olivia Marshall, Public Affairs Officer, on 020 8461 7857 or email

Notes to Editors:

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills.

More information on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Published: 2nd February 2024