Bromley Council has tested a JCB 'Pothole Pro’ machine which dramatically cuts the time taken to dig a trench to repair a road surface damaged by potholes.

This task which would have taken several workers with jack hammers over an hour can be done by the machine in a matter of minutes, producing an even square trench to a consistent depth.

Councillor Nicholas Bennett, Executive Councillor for Transport, Highways and Road Safety said, “We consistently looking for new, more productive ways of working, which reduce the time road space is out of use, delaying traffic and costing the council taxpayer money. Road repairs are expensive, labour intensive and time consuming and new ways of working are our top priority. The cost of the machine is obviously part of the economic equation, but the trial looks promising. I want also to look at machines which can also resurface without the need for workers with wheelbarrows, shovels and watering cans”.

Councillor Bennett continued, “As residents and road users know, we prioritised fixing of pot holes in the spring following the previous winter and the numbers of potholes being fixed has increased. We are looking at what more can be done.”

Councillor Bennett continued, “We are now drawing up plans for additional work, improving what we are able to do - I am looking to set three priorities for precautionary repairs, to tackle shallow potholes before they become dangerous, at junctions where weight of criss-crossing traffic puts greater pressure on the surface, main roads and thirdly side roads. To accomplish this we are looking at the hire of specialist machines to trial quicker and more effective repairs and negotiations are also planned with our contractor to amend the contract to allow the employment of extra gangs.

Statistics show the borough has over 550 miles of road, a distance greater than Bromley to Zurich, and over 850 miles of pavement, with a detailed schedule of safety inspections ensuring the highway remains safe for all. Road users and residents continue to be encouraged to report problems they come across, with online reporting continuing to be the best option.


For media enquiries, please contact Andrew Rogers, Head of Public Affairs, on 020 8461 7670 or email

Published: 12th February 2024