The Mayor’s Proud Of Bromley e-newsletter distributed on 18 September 2024.

Your Mayor of Bromley 2024-25, Cllr David Jefferys

It continued to be a busy time for the Mayor’s team, with this month building on the 21 engagements for the Mayor in August and a similar number for the Deputy Mayor.

Preparations are also continuing for the move of the Mayoral team to our new home at Churchill Court this autumn. There is a lot of packing, cataloguing and archive work to be undertaken.

Like many colleagues, I have fond memories from a number of years to reflect on from our current Civic Centre, which is why I was delighted to hold a farewell to the Old Palace event in August. This allowed staff to come together during their lunch break and share some of these reflections on a summer’s afternoon. It was a most enjoyable and well attended event, with some staff spontaneously baking cakes in the Bromley colours.

We have now finalised my programme of events for the year to raise funds for my three charities. Thank you to all those who have already supported the events so far and I look forward to seeing many more of you for the remaining events as we raise important funds locally for these outstanding charities.

Bromley’s amazing young people

This month I want to highlight some of the youth activities undertaken across Bromley and to thank the volunteers who provide so many wonderful events, especially during the school holidays.

We have joined groups at scout and guide camps and seen both the enjoyment from those involved and the important life skills being taught. I spent a full day, along with other Mayors, at the South East London Army Cadet Summer camp on Blackheath and then the expedition training at Mereworth Woods, which brought back memories from my own days in the CCF (Combined Cadet Force).

The Annual Parade and Awards ceremony of our Bromley Police cadets held at the Warren over the summer was another highlight, seeing the range of activities undertaken by the cadets, presenting achievement certificates and Duke of Edinburgh Awards. The cadets undertake several community support programmes, including litter picking this autumn.

Many holiday clubs are organised during August, we visited the Bromley Youth Support Programme events in Mottingham and Orpington and the Community Celebration of Holiday Activities in Clock House. Running alongside the Paris Olympics, sport was a major feature of all these events. At the holiday camps we saw gymnastic displays and competitions to create Olympic posters and draw games highlights.     

The sporting theme was very evident when I reopened Southborough Library, which has a dedicated early learning area with a fantastic mural depicting sport through the ages in Bromley, well worth a visit. There was a large attendance by young children at the opening, some attracted by the display of the trophy won by Bromley FC on their promotion to the English Football League, with team members attending.

These events are in addition to news shared with you in my last newsletter of Team Bromley winning the prestigious London Youth Games. This success will be celebrated at a reception hosted this autumn by organisers Mytime Active.

The production by the Lung Theatre of a new play, "Children's Inquiry", was a moving and powerful event. Written and performed by a young cast, all under 18, I was delighted to meet the incredibly talented cast, with the Deputy Mayor thoroughly enjoying the film as well.

Our youth attach great importance to the environment and to sustainability. They are really getting behind the programmes we are developing and promoting in Bromley. This is so encouraging and I plan to return to this in future newsletters. Please also look out on my social media and Mayor’s webpage for the first of our Waldo Road interview series, which shares important messaging about recycling and related issues, and is set to be released soon!

Open House Festival and Bromley's 60th anniversary

We have commenced work on our programme for commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the creation of the London Borough of Bromley next year, with news about this to come. We have so much history to celebrate in Bromley, as shown by Open House Festival which the Deputy Mayor and I are enjoying this week. There are plenty of exciting venues to explore for free across the borough, running up until this Sunday. I encourage residents to seek these out and enjoy!

Free blood pressure checks this week!

Finally, the council is running its annual ‘Know Your Numbers’ campaign, with health checks available across the borough. I took part recently in Bromley to check my blood pressure and pulse, and encourage all residents to have theirs done as well.

Best wishes,

David Jefferys

Mayor of Bromley 2024-25

Published: 19th September 2024