Residents and Street Friends applying to hold street parties in support of the 80th anniversary of VE Day are being processed, with applications now needed and fees being waived.
The deadline to submit applications for street parties either in support of the Big Lunch 2025 on 7 or 8 June or for a 80VE Day street party on the first Bank Holiday weekend on 5 May is fast approaching. Applications need to be received by Friday 28 March, with the deadline for Big Lunch applications now extended to 28 March as well.
Councillor Nicholas Bennett, Executive Councillor for Transport, Highways and Road Safety said, “Most residents, including me, were not even born when Winston Churchill waved to the crowds in Whitehall on that famous day in 1945 but it is right to remember and commemorate what was achieved on that day. We have already received some applications for street parties for both VE Day anniversary celebrations and in support of Big Lunch as well. I am pleased to confirm that the council is waiving fees for all the administration and legal costs for road closures in connection for these events, both VE Day anniversary celebrations and for the Big Lunch weekend. Many residents have used this time as an occasion to get together and we are strongly supportive of this and the community spirit it generates, which supports our partnership work with Street Friends.”
Party organisers are not required to have public liability insurance cover for their event, but it is strongly recommended. However, they must ensure that certain conditions are met. These include having diversion and warning signs, with flashing lamps at each vehicle access point and being able to easily remove tables, chairs and other temporary objects to allow access for emergency vehicles. Similarly, banners and bunting hanging across the road must be secured at a height of at least 7 metres.
Once approved, the council will inform the emergency services, public utility and bus companies of the planned street party.
For media enquiries, please contact Andrew Rogers, Head of Public Affairs on 020 8461 7670 or email