Residents across the borough are being encouraged in a new door knocking initiative to get vaccinated now that all over 18 year olds are eligible for vaccination.

Whilst the overall levels of vaccinations in borough are high, not everyone has been vaccinated, with the council’s public health team wanting to share the vaccination facts with people who have not yet had their jab.  Residents in parts of Beckenham, Bromley, Mottingham and Penge are being contacted in a targeted initiative, with an offer to share information directly, to further boost vaccination levels. 

Mottingham and Chislehurst North Councillor Will Rowlands, who was vaccinated over the weekend, is backing the initiative.  Councillor Rowlands, who has now recovered from the coronavirus, outlined his personal experience in a film which is available online.

Councillor Diane Smith, Executive Councillor for Adult Care and Health said, “Tens of thousands of residents in our borough have already come forwards to be vaccinated and I would like to thank the many volunteers who have helped to provide support to the vaccination centres and hubs across our borough.”

Dr Nada Lemic, Bromley’s Director of Public Health said, “Vaccination is a crucial part of us all being protected from this dreadful disease.  People may not realise the danger that not being vaccinated poses, not just to themselves but also to others, including the most vulnerable.  This is why we want to make sure that no one is left out, including younger members of your family who may now be eligible for their vaccination.  Please talk about this in your family if needed.  Some residents who have not yet received their vaccination may have questions and we are on hand with information should this be needed.” 

The council’s public health team can help residents by:

  • Explaining how to book a Covid vaccination
  • Connecting someone with a local GP practice
  • Giving information on the vaccination programme
  • Signposting people to accurate information so they can decide
  • Feeding back any concerns expressed by residents to improve the programme
  • Letting residents know how they can get tested whether they have symptoms or not.

Getting a jab is quick and doesn’t really hurt.  The vaccines are safe and side effects which some people do get are generally mild and short-lived. No matter your age you will be offered the right vaccine for you at a location close to your home when you book.  Residents over 18 and would like to book visit or call 119.




For media enquiries, please contact Andrew Rogers, Communications Executive on 020 8461 7670 or email

Published: 28th June 2021