Bridge replacement - frequently asked questions
Which bridge is being replaced?
The Kelsey Park Bridge Project focuses solely on the replacement of the footbridge located at the south end of the park, near to the Stone Avenue Entrance, which provides access through the park and a more direct route to park amenities. This decision was made by the Council's Executive in November 2022, following the completion of a detailed option appraisal. Unfortunately, there are currently no proposals to replace the second bridge located at the north end of the large lake.
The November 2022 Committee Report approving the replacement of Bridge B can be found here: Kelsey Park Replacement Bridges Committee Report 2022 (PDF - 1,847KB).
What is the cost to replace bridge B?
The total estimated cost to deliver this project is £567k. This includes the construction of the bridge and works that are likely to be needed to the abutments and embankment substrates, as well as design and survey work. The cost estimate includes a high level of contingency to allow for the potential impacts of the additional survey work, inflation and other uncertain market conditions.
What is the programme for replacement?
The project has been split into two phases, with the first phase focusing on the detailed design of the bridge and associated arboricultural and survey work, which is due to conclude in March 2025. The construction and installation of the bridge will commence on site in spring 2025, with an estimated completion date of Autumn 2025. The council recognises that there have been some delays to the original works programme, that was agreed in November 2022. These delays are predominantly as a result of a failed tender process, which concluded in January 2024, where unfortunately no tenders were received. Officers subsequently undertook further soft-market engagement to ascertain how to make the project more appealing to potential contractors, and amended the tender process based on feedback received. A new tender was issued in May 2024, and a works contract was awarded to B&M McHugh in August 2024. The council will ensure that stakeholders and residents are kept updated as the works progress.
What entrance will be used to access site for the works?
The park will be accessed via the Wickham Road entrance to accommodate the location of the site compound and welfare facilities.
Where will the site compound be located?
A small compound will be located on the vacant land adjacent to the Wickham Road entrance for a period of two weeks, commencing 14 October 2024, for the Phase 1 survey works. Further information on the location of the site compound for the Phase 2 works will be available upon completion of the Phase 1 surveys, however, it is hoped that this can be positioned as close to the bridge as possible.
What impacts will there be on the park when the construction works are underway?
There will be minimal impact to park users whilst the works are underway, however, further detail will be available once the design and survey works have concluded, and stakeholders and residents will be updated accordingly. Any potential environmental impacts will be managed in accordance with the outcome of the Environmental Management Plan.
What will the bridge look like?
It is anticipated that the new structure will be of similar construction to the existing bridge, however, slight amendments will be required to widen the bridge to make it more accessible. This may result in other materials (Steel/GRP) being incorporated into the design to enable this, and further information will be available upon completion of the Phase 1 works.
Further questions and updates
Stay in touch and be notified of any project updates and consultation events for either the desilting or bridge projects.
If you have any further question regarding the Kelsey Parks Bridge Project, please email: