Forms and costs 

New major pre-application service (June 2024)

The planning division are now offering a new pre-application service for major developments, which includes the offer of a bespoke, staged pre-application service for significant/larger scale majors. Further details are available in the new guidance notes and fee schedule (PDF - 139.79 KB). Although the new service is available now, it is appreciated that pre-application submissions may already be in preparation on the basis of the the previous fees and categories, and these will continue to be available for submissions made up to and including Friday 5 July. Thereafter the only major pre-application services available will be as set out in the new schedule.

Pre-application advice forms

Form and guidance for major development proposals (PDF - 92.52 KB)

This major development proposal advice service includes one meeting and a written response and should be used for residential development (including conversions) of 10 or more units/on sites of 0.5 hectares+, other developments of 1000m² or more/on sites of 1.0 hectares+, applications for minerals or waste and development subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment

We also offer an 'in principle' pre-application service for major development proposals for larger sites to advise on appropriate land uses, which includes a meeting and advice in writing. This option is not for advice on worked up proposals as it does not include advice on matters of detail including design. We would normally expect an 'in principle' request to be followed up with a full pre-application advice request prior to submission of an application.

Form and guidance for householder and all other non-major proposals (PDF - 303.45 KB)

The non major service does not include a meeting but will include a full written response to the submitted proposal. Non-major pre-application advice will be provided in writing and a site visit carried out as required. The response will based upon the level of information provided within your submission but officers may ask for further information if required to provide a full response. 

This service should be used for householder proposals, 1-9 new dwellings (including conversions), commercial proposals with new floor area or change of use (1-999sqm), commercial proposals not involving change or use or increase in floor space, advertisements and telecommunications proposals. 

Pre-application advice fees

Pre application advice schedule of fees


Online payments 

Our payment service provider Capita has updated the security used when you make a payment online. If you are using older software and versions of web browsers you may find that you are unable to complete payments on this website.

Once you have completed your application form and submitted it via email to you can pay the fee online.

Once you make your payment please make sure that you provide the payment reference with your application so that we can match the payment with your application as quickly as possible. 

Requests for property history 

If you are using the pre application service to obtain planning history for a site and have a CORRES reference please quote this on the submission form. Once you have made payment for this particular service please email your written request to 

Householder telephone advice service

This service is specifically for householder proposals which have already been subject to a planning application which has been determined and cannot be used for advice prior to submitting the first application for any proposal. 

The purpose of this service is to enable householders or their agent /architect to have a telephone consultation with the planning officer to discuss the key issues raised in the recent decision and to ascertain whether in the officer’s view there is any merit in submitting a revised application. This service includes one 15 minute telephone conversation and can only be offered within six months of the decision of an application.

The applicant must have already read the delegated or committee report and decision notice after which they must make payment for a telephone consultation and then email confirmation of payment and a written request for the service to

You should upload any revised plans that you want to be considered to the email request and provide an email address and phone number so that a planner can arrange a convenient time to make the phone call.

If you wish to use this service following refusal of an application for a larger house extension or lawful development certificate the advice given will relate to the merits of applying for full planning permission rather than confirmation of whether or not amendments could result in a lawful development certificate being granted. In order to confirm whether a proposal would fall within the legal limitations of permitted development it will be necessary to make an application for a lawful development certificate.

Terms and conditions for the telephone advice service

Validation Guidance and Local Information requirements 

You may also wish to view our Validation Guidance and Local Information Requirements (PDF - 393.68 KB) for planning applications to help you prepare your application.

Planning permission 

If you require information about whether planning permission is required this is not available via the pre-application advice service, however there is more information about permitted development.