Authority monitoring reports

The council produces an authority monitoring report (previously known as an annual monitoring report) (AMR) to measure the effectiveness of how its planning policies have been implemented over the previous financial year.

The council approved its most recent authority monitoring report in November 2024. 

Authority Monitoring Report 2020/21 (PDF - 565.33 KB)
Authority Monitoring Report 2019/20 (PDF - 590.28 KB)
Authority Monitoring Report 2018/19 (PDF - 534.78 KB)
Authority Monitoring Report 2017/18  (PDF - 1.65 MB)
Authority Monitoring Report 2016/17 (PDF - 1.64 MB)
Authority Monitoring Report 2014/16 (PDF - 723.37 KB)
Authority Monitoring Report 2013/14 (PDF - 353.06 KB)

 Older monitoring reports are available on request.

Bromley housing trajectory

The Bromley housing trajectory illustrates the expected rate of housing delivery for the period covered by the adopted Local Plan. It includes details of Bromley’s current five year housing land supply.

The latest trajectory was published in November 2021.

Housing delivery test action plan

The Housing Delivery Test (HDT) sets out the net delivery of housing in a local planning authority area, measured against the number of homes required. The HDT measurement is published annually by the Department for Levelling Up, Communities and Local Government (DLUHC).

The HDT has certain punitive measures depending on the level of delivery. If delivery is between 85 per cent and 94 per cent, the authority should prepare an action plan in line with national planning guidance, to assess the causes of under-delivery and identify actions to increase delivery in future years.

The 2022 HDT measurement shows that Bromley delivered less than 95 per cent of its housing target for the three-year period 2019/20 to 2021/22. This triggers the requirement to produce an action plan.

The Bromley 2022 housing delivery test action plan was published in July 2024.

Planning policy

Address: Bromley Civic Centre, Churchill Court, 2 Westmoreland Road, Bromley, BR1 1AS.

Telephone: 020 8313 4730