On 13 January 2021, the London Borough of Bromley submitted the Bromley Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for independent examination, in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended).

Submission and examination documents

The CIL submission and examination documents as outlined in the schedule of documents (PDF - 101.87 KB).

LBB-001 - LBB CIL draft charging schedule - September 2020 (PDF - 160.26 KB)

LBB-002 - LBB CIL viability assessment (with appendices) - July 2020 (PDF - 12.49 MB)

LBB-003 - infrastructure delivery plan - September 2020 (PDF - 1.6 MB)

LBB-004 - schedule of representations to the CIL preliminary draft charging schedule  consultation (2018) – September 2020 (PDF - 192.82 KB)

LBB-005 - LBB CIL operational guidance - September 2020 (PDF - 555.17 KB)

LBB-006 - S106 monies and affordable housing 2019-20 update - September 2020 (PDF - 373.11 KB)

LBB-007 - LBB CIL DCS - statement of representations procedure (PDF - 72.3 KB)

LBB-008 - legal compliance statement – January 2021 (PDF - 128.67 KB)

LBB-009 - LBB CIL consultation statement (PDF - 670.07 KB) (including schedule of representations to the CIL preliminary draft charging schedule consultation (2018) and CIL draft charging schedule consultation (2020) – January 2021)  

LBB-010 - copies of representations to draft charging schedule consultation (06 November 2020 to 20 December 2020) (PDF - 6.42 MB)

SD-001 - LBB CIL draft charging schedule report to Development Control Committee 24-09-2020. 

SD-002 - LBB statement of community involvement - July 2016

SD-003 - infrastructure funding statement - December 2020 (PDF - 632.04 KB)

The LBB CIL DCS submission statement of fact (PDF - 75.3 KB) details where the above documents are available for inspection.

Examination details

The examination was conducted by Mr Keith Holland of Intelligent Plans and Examinations (IPE) Ltd.

Examination news - updates regarding the examination process

January 16 2021: The examiner appointed to examine the Bromley CIL charging schedule has reviewed the documentation submitted by the council and the representations made. None of the representations include a request to be heard at a public hearing.  The examiner has decided that the examination will proceed on the basis of the written submissions and representations. The examiner anticipates being in a position to submit his report to the council before the middle of February 2021.

February 17 2021: The examiner issued the report on the draft Bromley Community Infrastructure Levy charging schedule (PDF - 198.46 KB). The examiner concludes that the draft Bromley CIL Charging Schedule provides an appropriate basis for the collection of the levy in the area. One modification is necessary to meet the drafting requirements set out in CIL legislation.

The CIL regulations require the report to be displayed at the council’s principal office at the Civic Centre. However, the COVID-19 pandemic affects our ability to do this. We can arrange for documents to be made available for inspection by appointment. Please contact the CIL team to arrange this.

Next steps

The London Borough of Bromley Community Infrastructure Levy proposals were approved for adoption by the council on 19 April 2021 , with a date of effect on all relevant planning permissions determined on and after 15 June 2021. 

Bromley Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) team

Address: Bromley Civic Centre, Churchill Court, 2 Westmoreland Road, Bromley, BR1 1AS