The Bromley Local Plan was adopted in January 2019. The Local Plan includes policies covering a range of areas, including housing, employment, sustainability and community uses. There are also a number of site allocations which identify particular sites to be developed for a type and amount of uses to meet objectively assessed need and help to deliver the borough’s economic, environmental and social objectives.

Local Plans should be reviewed every five years in accordance with planning legislation. Since the Local Plan was adopted, there have been changes to national and regional policy. This includes the adoption of the new London Plan which has higher housing targets and various other policies which have implications for Bromley’s local planning policies.

The Local Plan review will be informed by a detailed evidence base.

Issues and options consultation (April to June 2023)

From 28 April  to 30 June 2023, the council consulted on a Regulation 18 Issues and Options document.

The intention of the issues and options consultation was to gather views from a range of stakeholders to inform the development of the new Local Plan.

In terms of document structure, the Issues and Options document sets out the current policy approach across a range of topics; notes relevant changes since the adoption of the Local Plan; and sets out how the new Local Plan could respond to these changes.

The council is currently considering representations received as part of the consultation. Details of future Local Plan review consultations will be set out on this webpage.

Call for sites consultation (August to November 2021)

As a first step in the process of updating the Local Plan, the council  undertook a call for sites consultation exercise, between August and November 2021. As part of this exercise landowners, developers and  other interested parties were invited to put forward potential development sites for allocation, for development of housing, employment and retail uses or any other uses.

Further information

If you have any further questions regarding the Local Plan review, please email the planning policy team.

Stay in touch with future Local Plan consultations

Planning policy

Address: Bromley Civic Centre, Churchill Court, 2 Westmoreland Road, Bromley, BR1 1AS.

Telephone: 020 8313 4730