The council uses contributions received from new development to provide infrastructure needed in the borough. The council receives contributions through Section 106 (S106) agreements, and the Bromley Community Infrastructure Levy.
Infrastructure funding statement
The council are required to produce an annual Infrastructure funding statement setting out key information on the use of S106 and CIL amounts. The first report was approved by the council on 19 November 2020 covering the financial year 2019/20 (access to information already published by the council for previous years is highlighted in the first report)
Bromley Infrastructure funding statements 2023/24 (PDF - 211.57KB)
Bromley Infrastructure funding statements 2022/23 (PDF - 382.68 KB)
Bromley Infrastructure funding statements 2021/22 (PDF - 309.28 KB)
Bromley infrastructure funding statement 2020/21 (PDF - 245.89 KB)
Bromley infrastructure funding statement 2019/20 (PDF - 632.04 KB)