Commercial bonfires

What does the law allow

Commercial premises or builders should not use bonfires to dispose of any rubbish produced as a result of their operations. The burning of controlled waste is an offence under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Controlled waste includes treated wood, such as timbers, fence panels and furniture. The only exception to this is the burning of diseased wood on site. 

Commercial premises or contractors may burn green waste, such as shrubs and trees, providing the materials originated from the same site and it does not cause a statutory nuisance to local residents.

The D7 exemption allows a person to burn plant tissue and untreated wood waste from joinery or manufacturing in the open air. See for more information. 

What we can do

If we receive reports of commercial burning, we will initially write to the person responsible or visit the subject property, advising them of the allegation and giving them the opportunity to cease the illegal activity.

If an officer attends a bonfire and witnesses controlled waste being burned, we can prosecute the person responsible for the offence.  

Report commercial bonfire

Contact us:

  • by telephone at the time the bonfire is occurring so we can visit the premises whilst the fire is still burning.
  • report online Please note: this will not trigger an immediate response.

When you contact us we will need the address of the property where the bonfire is situated - we cannot proceed without this information.

Public protection

Telephone: 0300 303 8657