Do-it-yourself activities can create a lot of noise or vibration that can affect a large number of local residents, and results in many complaints per year.  We appreciate that people have work or other commitments during the day and so the only chance they have to do this DIY works is in the evening and at weekends. However, this work must be done at reasonable times and should not cause nuisance to neighbours. 

What we will do

Where we receive a complaint about DIY works we will contact the complainant in order to get details about the nature of the complaint including the times work are being carried out, the nature and frequency of works, and the type of tools being used etc. Whether the works are considered to be DIY or construction will be determined at the Officers discretion.

If we consider the DIY   works could be causing a nuisance we will inform the owner/occupier of the premises of this and request steps be taken to eliminate the nuisance.  

Where our requests are ignored we can take formal action (service of notice) against the owner/occupier requiring action to abate the nuisance. If this notice is ignored the person served with the notice can be prosecuted and be fined.

In some cases, the noise caused by the nature and extent of the DIY works or from the types of equipment being used will be sufficiently loud or go on for so long that the hours for noisy works from construction sites should be followed.  This is because the DIY work is effectively a construction activity.  Examples would be where the works are being carried out on a vacant property; involve the use of mechanised plant such as mini-diggers; include inherently noisy activities such as concrete breaking, or involve the use of commercial or industrial equipment.  In these cases, noisy works should be carried out on weekdays between 8am and 6pm, and 8am and 1pm on Saturdays. 

Further information

Download our guide for Do It Yourself (DIY) enthusiasts (PDF - 130.51 KB)

If you are in any doubt as to the nature of the works you are undertaking contact us for a discussion.

Public protection

Telephone: 0300 303 8657

Out of hours noise service

7:00pm to 2:00am on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays.

Telephone: 0300 303 8671

Noisy work construction