If you are being affected by a noisy car alarm, contact us and we may be able to take action if it is causing a nuisance.

What we will do

  • We first contact the police to find out where the vehicle owner lives
  • We then go and see the vehicle to check whether the alarm is causing a nuisance.
  • If we consider it is a nuisance and we cannot find the owner we will consider taking formal action under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to switch the alarm off.
  • We can serve a notice on the vehicle and employ a contractor to break into it to disable the alarm and then re-secure the vehicle.
  • We will recover all the costs we incur at a later date from the vehicle owner.

What you should do

Contact us with the details of the vehicle causing a problem, including

  • registration number
  • make
  • model
  • colour of vehicle

In addition we will need the location of the vehicle. Legally, we cannot take anonymous complaints, so we need your personal details, including name, address and a contact telephone number. Be assured, your personal details will be treated as confidential. If you call us outside normal working hours you should use the out of hours emergency number.

Public protection

Telephone: 0300 303 8657

Out of hours emergency noise service