Noise is part of everyday life, but excessive noise can be a real nuisance. There has been a marked increase in the number of noise complaints we receive. Currently, we deal with approximately 4000 reports every year. We can help with most problems, complaints or enquiries concerning residential and commercial noise.

If you are being affected by a noise nuisance, contact us and we can give advice and take action when appropriate.

When can we take action

  • domestic noise like amplified music, parties, barking dogs or noise from DIY
  • commercial noise from pubs, nightclubs, restaurants, shops or warehouses
  • industrial noise
  • construction and demolition noise
  • intruder alarms and car alarms

Report a noise problem

Notify us about a noise problem, giving as much detail as possible. You will not be able to make an anonymous complaint.

Noise report form


Phone: 0300 303 8657

Advice and further information

Legally, we cannot take action on all types of noise, but we can always give advice on noise problems such as aircraft noise and rail noise. Case Law from the House of Lords states that noise from the ordinary use of residential premises cannot be considered a nuisance, such as:

  • footsteps;
  • dropping objects;
  • light switches being switched on/off;general talking;
  • doors closing;
  • toilet flushing;
  • babies crying;
  • children playing;
  • kitchen appliances - washing machines, blenders etc.


Mediation can be a solution to the problem. Council and housing association tenants may be able to access this service via their relevant housing office. Private tenants and owner-occupiers will have to pay for this service.

Public protection

Telephone: 0300 303 8657

Out of hours noise service

7:00pm to 2:00am on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays.

Telephone: 0300 303 8671

Out of hours emergency noise service