Applying to transfer from Infant to Junior School (Year 2 to year 3)

If your child is currently in Year 2 in an infant school, you must apply for a Year 3 place in a junior school.

  • Applications for Year 3 places in junior schools in September 2025 open on 1 September 2024.
  • The national closing date for applications is 15 January 2025.
  • The national offer date for on-time Transfer to Junior applications is 16 April 2025.

NB: This process is for application to junior schools only.

If your child is currently in a primary school, you do not need to apply for Year 3 in that school. If, however, you wish to apply for a Year 3 place in a junior school, you can do so through this process.

If you are a Bromley resident, you need to make your application through London Borough of Bromley. You can name schools outside of Bromley on your application if you wish.

If you live outside of Bromley, you need to apply through the local authority where you live and can name Bromley schools on that application if you wish.

If you are looking to apply for a Year 3 place in a junior school for the school year starting September 2024 you need to complete a paper application from. To obtain a form, please email

If you wish to apply for a Year 3 place in a primary school, you must apply as an in-year admission.

Making an application

Bromley strongly encourage families to apply online.

Please ensure that all required supporting documents are provided with your application to ensure that it can be processed without delay. Please see application terms and conditions for further information.

Bromley residents should apply online at

There are various pieces of useful information and guidance videos available on the eAdmissions website to help you.

Bromley Admissions process all school applications for London Borough of Bromley residents. You cannot apply direct to schools. If you live outside the London Borough of Bromley, you must apply via your home local authority/council, and you can include Bromley schools on your application.

Further information

You can download the applying for a primary school place 2025 to 2026 booklet for more information and advice.

Some schools may require you to complete an additional form called a Supplementary Information Form (SIF). These are clearly marked in the above booklet. SIFs are available from the relevant school and must be returned to the school by the closing date for applications. A SIF is not an application for a school place, and you must also apply for the school as detailed above.

If you have any questions regarding the primary admissions process, please feel free to email us and we will be happy to help you.

Children with medical or social needs

In exceptional circumstances some schools have discretion to prioritise a child on the grounds of their or their family’s acute medical and social need. You will need to state this on your application and provide supporting documentary evidence form medical professionals, etc. You will also need to complete the registration form for consideration under medical or social needs and submit this by 15 January 2024

Children with an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP)

If your child has an Education, Health, and Care Plan, you must not apply through this admissions process. You will need to contact the council’s SEN Department on for advice on how to apply for primary, infant or junior schools.

Admissions and transport (primary admissions)

Address: Bromley Civic Centre, Churchill Court, 2 Westmoreland Road, Bromley, BR1 1AS.