Bromley resident parent(s)/carer(s) should complete all sections of the Bromley application for the relevant application process.

Only applications from a person who is legally responsible for the applicant child will be accepted. If a child does not live with their parent(s) and is looked after by relatives or friends, documentary evidence such as a court order is required as proof that the relatives are the child’s legal guardians. Private fostering arrangements must be registered with Bromley Children’s Social Care.

In cases of parents living separately but with a shared care arrangement, the child’s principal address must be used. A residence order and other legal documents will be required. Bromley will only accept the permanent home address of the child and cannot use multiple address.

Please read the following carefully and confirm your agreement before you submit your application. When you submit your application for a school place, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

You have read and taken into consideration information and advice in the school admissions booklet and checked the admissions criteria of the schools you are applying for.

If you are including preferences for out of borough schools, that you have researched their admission arrangements.

You understand that you must supply the required evidence to verify that all the address and parental responsibility information given is correct. Details are in the applying for a school place booklet. If you have not already supplied proof to Bromley Admissions, documents can either be uploaded to your online application or photocopies mailed to Bromley Admissions clearly marked with the applicant child’s name and date of birth. Please note that he Council is not responsible for any documents posted that do not arrive with the Admissions team.

You understand that if you fail to provide this evidence, your application may not be processed. You also understand that you are required to keep Bromley Admissions informed of any changes of circumstances during the application and offer process and that offers may be withdrawn if a change means that you no longer qualify for the offer you have been given.

You have determined which preferred schools (primary or secondary) require a supplementary information form and have submitted it/them separately to the school(s) concerned by the application closing date.

For Primary and Junior applications only - If you wish you application to be considered on medical/social grounds for any of the schools you are applying to, please make sure you have completed the medical/social online form in addition to your application and provided the relevant supporting evidence to be considered. This form must be completed, submitted and all evidence received by the closing date for application (15 January 2025). Please note that not every school considers medical/social reasons, and you must check the individual schools admissions arrangements before applying.

You have provided details of any siblings (who will still be attending in September 2025) for any school for which you are making an application.

You have provided the required supporting documents to confirm the applicant child’s status if you are applying under the child looked after, or child previously looked after criterion.

You have provided appropriate details to support a child of staff application.

Parental declaration

I/we certify that I/we am/are the person/s with parental responsibility for the applicant child and that the information given is true to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.

I/we also understand that any false or deliberately misleading information given on my/our application and/or supporting paperwork, or any relevant information withheld may render this application invalid and could lead to the withdrawal of an offer of a school place.

I/we will provide additional information or documentary evidence in connection with this application if requested.

I/we understand that Bromley will thoroughly check all details I/we have provided against records held by this Local Authority and other agencies. Additional information may be requested. If it is discovered that a place has been offered on the basis of a fraudulent or intentionally misleading application or supporting documents that offer may be withdrawn and could lead to legal action if necessary.

I/we understand that the information collected by the Local Authority (LA) from my/our application will only be used to help arrange admission to school in line with the LA and schools’ admissions criteria and processes in accordance with the Department for Education School Admissions Code.

The information you provide will be entered onto a database. This information is protected by the General Data Protection Regulations 2016 and Data Protection Act 2018 which ensures it can only be used for defined purposes and can only be passed to specific people.

If you have any questions regarding these terms and conditions and the parental declaration, please contact Admissions and Transport via email using the relevant email address for the phase of education you are applying for: