If you are currently living in accommodation secured for you by London Borough of Bromley, your accommodation agreement sets out the important information about the placement and will include:
- Your landlord's details
- Details of any accommodation charges payable
- Methods of payment
- Your responsibilities
If you no longer have a copy of this document, a replacement can be requested by email from the housing management team.
The accommodation agreement will also provide you with details of who your accommodation charges are payable to. Your accommodation is not free of charge.
Paying for your temporary accommodation
If your accommodation charges are payable to London Borough Bromley, you can discuss your rent account by contacting the temporary accommodation collection team.
When you move in, you will be issued with a new tenant letter which provides you with your unique tenancy account number and details your rent charges. You must quote your tenancy number on all correspondence.
Alternatively, if your charges are payable to your landlord or housing association, you should contact them directly, using the details set out on your accommodation agreement.
If you are struggling to pay for your temporary accommodation
If you have a low income, you may be able to claim Housing Benefit to help with the cost.
It is very important that you provide all the information and supporting documentation requested by Housing Benefits. Failure to do so will likely result in the suspension of your benefit claim which will mean that you are liable for your full rent charges.
Staying in temporary accommodation
There is no limit to how long you can stay in accommodation provided that the council decides that it has a responsibility to house you, as long:
- as it remains suitable for you
- you keep to any conditions that the council has included in your accommodation agreement
You can live there until you secure settled accommodation elsewhere.
The council may no longer have a responsibility to help you if you choose to leave the temporary accommodation.