Vehicle restrictions

There are restrictions in place at the reuse and recycling centres (RRC) for certain vehicle types.

You will not be able to enter the RRC if your vehicle:

  • Is a tipper
  • a Luton van or similar
  • Has a maximum gross weight of more than 3.5 tonnes

If you are visiting the RRC with one of the vehicle types listed below, you may be required to sign a declaration that:

  • The vehicle is for personal and leisure use only
  • That all recycling and waste being disposed of is household waste from your own property
  • The you understand it is illegal to dispose of waste arising from a business/commercial activity at the Reuse and Recycling Centre

    Vehicle types
  • Vans
  • Vehicles more than 2m tall
  • Pick up trucks, open back and flat back vehicles
  • Minibuses, vehicles with 8 seats or more
  • Panel vans
  • Any vehicle without side or rear windows
  • Campervans
  • Commercially liveried vehicles

Hire vehicles are permitted, up to a height of 2m, please ensure you bring proof that it is a hire vehicle. You may be requested to sign a disclaimer to confirm the waste is from your own household and not from a business or commercial enterprise.