Flytipping is the illegal dumping of waste. Flytipping can be anything from a black bag of domestic waste to a lorry load of construction waste. As well as damaging our environment, every year flytipping costs millions nationally to investigate and clear up.

You can report flytipped waste on a street or in a park to us. If the waste is on private land, it is the landowner's responsibility to clear, not the council's.

Report flytipped waste


Further information

We are required to track the content and size of all flytips and report them to FlyCapture, a database run by the Environment Agency. We can prosecute flytippers by issuing Fixed Penalty Notices, or, in more serious cases, we will take offenders to court.

You can find out about disposing of business waste, and rubbish can also be legitimately and safely disposed of at our reuse and recycling centres.

If you see anyone dumping rubbish, please telephone the police. Try to get a good description of the vehicle and any persons you see involved. Do not tackle the driver yourself.

Find out how to report an envirocrime to us and details of our Envirocrime Reward Scheme to find out how your information could reward you.