Home gully charging for electric vehicles
What is gully charging?
Gully charging refers to the installation of a gully across the footway that allows electric vehicles to be safely and legally charged from a private EV charger, while parked on street.
This can enable those without access to a driveway to benefit from the convenience and typically lower cost of home charging.
What do Bromley offer?
Following a successful trial, the London Borough of Bromley are now accepting applications from residents who would like to pay for a gully to be installed in the footway outside their home.
Residents who believe their property may be suitable for installation are required to complete an online application form and pay a non-refundable application fee of £100.00.
Studies and surveys will then be undertaken to determine if installation is possible.
If so, a payment of £999.00 will be made by the applicant and installation arranged.
The total cost to the resident will be £1,099.00.
Bromley do not provide EV chargers as part of this scheme.
Would my property be suitable for gully installation?
Before submitting your request and paying the application fee, it is important to make your own assessment on the likelihood of your application being successful. The following factors should all be considered.
Is the footway (pavement) outside your property owned by the Council?
We will only be able to undertake installations on the public highway, if you live on a private road or development your application will be refused.
Is the footway outside your property, uneven or unusual in any way? Is there a kerb edge?
If there are any irregularities with the pavement outside your property it may mean installation is not possible. Similarly a kerb edge is needed so the gully unit can sit flush and allow the charging cable to safely enter the highway.
Can you regularly park on the road outside your property?
There is no provision for dedicated parking bays as part of this scheme, therefore you will need to make an informed decision on how often you are able to park directly outside, or very close to your property.
Are there trees, lamp columns or other items of street furniture outside your property?
Installation will not be possible within 2 metres of a lamp column (streetlight). If any trees are present, their root protection area will need to be taken into account, as excavation will not be permitted if tree roots are affected by the works.
Is there an accessible route from your property and proposed charger location to your parked vehicle?
Can your charging cable reach the footway gully and your vehicle without crossing other public or private land? For the gully to be properly used your charging cable should go directly from your property into the gully and then into your vehicle’s charging socket. A gully is intended for installation over a public footway directly outside your property.
Are there any grass verges between your property and the road?
Gully units need to be installed in a solid base and therefore cannot pass through areas of grass or soil.
If you would like to proceed please submit your details and application fee.