Street parties

Bromley Council is supportive of street parties, however, to ensure the relevant permissions and safety arrangements are in place prior to the event we require the party organiser to submit an application at least 12 weeks in advance of the event.

Where possible we aim to permit small street parties free of charge. However, in some cases a Traffic Management Order may be necessary to close a road and this would incur a cost of £564. These types of road closures are sometimes necessary to ensure the safety of people attending the party as well as pedestrians and motorists needing to access the road.  

Therefore, in order to avoid paying a fee, we recommend that street parties are held on ‘no through roads’. We appreciate that this may not always be possible and will give consideration to other streets - provided the road caters primarily for residential traffic, is not on a bus route and has a short and convenient diversion route available. Once we receive and process your application, we will inform if a Traffic Management Order and therefore a fee, is required in order to close the road.

We will notify the emergency services of your event. Please note that whilst permission may be given to hold a party in your street, unless a road closure is in place, vehicles may still be able to use the road. 

Responsibilities of the party organiser

When holding a street party, the organiser is responsible for the following:

  • Ensuring all local residents have been informed of the event and are in agreement for the street party to take place, before an application is made.
  • At each vehicle access point warning signs and flashing road danger lamps are installed. These are available from hire shops.
  • All temporary objects, such as tables and chairs are easily moveable to allow for emergency vehicle access.
  • Any banners or bunting displayed across the road is at least 7 metres above the road. This will allow for easy access by emergency vehicles.
  • Temporary features to the road, such as decorations and litter are removed when the party has finished.
  • Bonfires are not held on any part of the road including grassed areas.
  • The positioning of a barbecue (or similar) has been agreed with the council in advance.   
  • Any additional lighting that the party uses is not be run off the street lighting electricity supply.
  • Alcohol is not being sold.


Party organisers are not required to have public liability insurance cover for their event, however we strongly advise you to obtain cover for a minimum limit of indemnity of £2million.


Apply for a street party

If you would like to have a raffle at your street party see our lottery registration guide for further information.