Secondary admissions guide - accepting or refusing the school place offered

You must accept or refuse the school place offered on 3 March 2025 via your online account at no later than 23:59 on 17 March 2025.

After this time, please send your response directly to Bromley Admissions and Transport by email (

We strongly advise that you accept your offer even if you intend to pursue another school through the waiting list and/or appeal processes.

Important information:

If you refuse the offer made without having secured an alternative school, you risk your child not having a school place for September 2025. If you decide to refuse the place offered, it is important to consider the following:

  • Once a place is refused, the offer will be removed from your child's record and will be made available to be offered to another child.
  • If you change your mind, we cannot guarantee that the place will still be available for your child to be offered again and they will be added to the waiting list for the school.

Do I have to accept or refuse the school offered?

Yes, it is important that you make a decision on the school offered on national offer day, so that up-to-date records can be maintained of which children are due to start at each school in September 2025.

What happens if I refuse the place offered?

Once a place has been refused in writing, the offer will immediately be removed from your child’s record and will be made available to be offered to another child from the school’s waiting list.

What happens if I change my mind about refusing a place?

Once a place has been refused and withdrawn from your child, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to have it back if you change your mind. This is because the law requires that it be offered to the next most eligible child on the waiting list that is seeking a place.

If you subsequently wish for your child to be reconsidered for the school originally offered, and the place has already been offered to another child, you can make a written request for your child to be added to the school’s waiting list.

It is vitally important that you ensure that your child is in receipt of education provision for September 2025. Children of statutory school age have a legal right to education.  If you do not accept the provision offered by the council you must ensure that alternative arrangements are in place and inform Admissions and Transport to update your child’s record accordingly. If you fail to inform the council of the education provisions you make, your child’s details may be passed to the council’s Education Welfare Service for them to undertake their checks to ensure that a child is not missing education.

What happens if I do not accept or refuse the place offered?

If no acceptance or refusal is received within a reasonable time, despite attempts by the London Borough of Bromley or the school to obtain a decision, the place may be withdrawn from your child and made available to be offered to the next child on their waiting list.