What is the Bromley SEND Local Offer?

The Bromley SEND Local Offer helps children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their families to find the information and support they are looking for from across Bromley in one place.

For families we want these pages to be clear, easy to access and have all the information they need to understand what is available to children and young people (from 0 - 25 years) to help to support their educational, health and social care needs in Bromley. But we also want to be able signpost families to other local organisations, initiatives and activities that might be of interest or help.

For professionals we want these pages to be a useful resource when working with families so that together we can continue to improve the outcomes for our infants, children and young people.

This offer has been created using feedback from children, young people, parents, carers, local services, schools, colleges, health and social care agencies.

We want everyone to have a say in developing these pages and the services offered across the borough, so if you want to share your knowledge, give your suggestions and make your ideas count please visit our share your views page to see how, when and where you can get involved.

If you are unable to find what you are looking for, or wish to share your ideas and suggestions, please email localoffer@bromley.gov.uk or complete our feedback form.