Referrals into Early Years Inclusion Team

The majority of young children with special educational needs and/or disability (SEND) can have their needs met in the wide range of inclusive nurseries, pre-schools, child-minders or universal pre-school clubs and activities available in Bromley.

Referral forms

Before starting the online referral form, please ensure parent/carers are fully aware of the education privacy statement, GDPR statement and the support that you are referring in for. Parent/carers consent must be obtained before submission of referral to this service.

To make a referral to the Early Years Inclusion Team, please use the relevant form:


For referral into Early Years Inclusion Team for Parent/Carers

Health Care Professionals (Bromley or out of borough)

For guidance on Section 23 Notifications and full referrals for LB Bromley resident children 0 to 4+ into the Early Years service, visit the Health Care Professional - Guidance (PDF - 145.3 KB).

Referrals into Early Years Inclusion Team for Healthcare Professionals only

Early Years Providers

For guidance and frequently asked questions on how to complete the online referral form, visit Early Years Providers Guidance

Referrals into Early Years Inclusion Team for Early Years Providers

Professionals in the Care sector

Referrals into the Early Years Inclusion Team for Professionals in the Care sector

SEN Outreach Teams

Address: Floor 5, Bromley Civic Centre, Churchill Court, 2 Westmoreland Road, Bromley, BR1 1AS

Early Years targeted and specialist services links