Elective home education is an option that families from any background may consider to meet the needs of their children. The reasons for deciding on this approach are many as are the styles of education undertaken. For some families it is a decision based on their philosophical, spiritual or religious outlook, for others it is to meet the specific needs of a child or children. Some children have never been sent to school whilst others come out for a time or permanently. There is a vast opportunity and potential within elective home education.


  • Think long and hard about educating your child at home. It is a great responsibility and a considerable commitment of time and energy.
  • Plan what you intend to do with your child before making a decision.
  • Provide opportunities for your child to be involved in social activities, have contact with and join in with the activities of other children and groups. The impetus which comes from such activities may provide a useful setting and improve your child's motivation to succeed with his/her learning.
  • Keep your options open as your child's needs may change at different ages and stages in their education. We are able to advise you how to apply for a place at a school if you decide it is in the best interest of your child to return to school.

Do not:

  • take your child out of school simply because you have a disagreement with the school or a teacher or have been unable to secure a place at your child's preferred school. In such circumstances seek an opportunity to talk to the head teacher or consult with our elective home education officer.

Further information

A parents guide to educating your child at home


Home education