Enviro-crime...let's stop it together
You can help us keep streets clean and safe and stop flytipping, graffiti, dumped cars and other enviro-crime spoiling our neighbourhood.
We each have a duty of care to make sure all of our waste, whether an old fridge, garden rubbish, building rubble or something else, is disposed of legally and responsibly, without being hazardous to health or harming the environment.
If you’ve got rubbish to get rid of, DON'T let it be illegally dumped. Be wary who you give it to and always check to make sure the person or company is a registered waste carrier.
Find out about the different options for disposing of bulky items such as furniture and garden waste.
Report an enviro-crime
If you have seen an enviro-crime being committed please provide us with a description of the offender, vehicle registration, photograph or any other detailed information which could be used as evidence and may enable us to prosecute.
Report enviro-crime evidence confidentially
Your personal details will be treated as confidential but it may sometimes be necessary for witnesses to give evidence in court.
You should use this report only if you have information regarding the person who has committed these acts, please go to dumped rubbish and flytipping if you are reporting the presence of flytipping or graffiti.
Enviro-crime reward scheme
If your information helps us successfully prosecute an offender, you could receive up to £500 as a thank you.