Energy Company Obligation and Flexible Eligibility

The Energy Company Obligation (ECO) is a government energy efficiency scheme in Great Britain to tackle fuel poverty and help reduce carbon emissions and requires larger energy suppliers to participate.

The ECO4 scheme will focus on supporting low income and vulnerable households. The scheme will improve the least energy efficient homes helping to meet the Government’s fuel poverty and net zero commitments. The Great British Insulation Scheme will support the ECO4 scheme in the delivery of predominantly single measures targeted at a wider range of households.

ECO4 applies to measures installed from 1 April 2022 and will cover a four-year period until 31 March 2026.


To benefit from ECO your property will need to require energy efficiency upgrades. The specific measures that would benefit your home would be determined by a retrofit assessment.

You must own your own home or have permission from your landlord.

To be eligible for this scheme you must be in receipt of benefits.  Further information can be found on OFGEMS website.

ECO Flex

Local authorities or devolved administrations are also able to refer residents in their areas to obligated energy suppliers so that they can be offered support under the ECO Flex.

ECO4 Flex and Great British Insulation Scheme Flex are optional schemes and enables local authorities to signpost fuel poor households to additional available support.

Authorities participating in the flex scheme must collect evidence and retain proof of consumer eligibility for up to 3 years following the end of the scheme.

For residents in London, the Greater London Authority has issued a statement of intent.

Energy Company Obligation and Flexible Eligibility | London City Hall

Find out more on the GLA’s statement of intent (external pdf link - 244 KB).

Third party installers seeking declarations for eligible householders should register at

For further information, email:

It enables participating authorities and energy suppliers to identify low-income and / or vulnerable households who are not in receipt of the means tested benefits but who may benefit from energy efficiency improvements.

The specific measures that would benefit the home would be determined by a retrofit assessment.

It is important to note that eligibility for ECO doesn’t necessarily mean that an energy supplier or installer will decide to install energy efficiency measures in your home.

Domestic premises owned or let by a social landlord are not eligible for Flex.

Great British Insulation Scheme

The Great British Insulation Scheme is a new government energy efficiency scheme (formerly known as ECO+) that will be administered by Ofgem.

The scheme complements the Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) scheme, yet unlike ECO4’s ‘whole house’ approach, this scheme will mostly deliver single insulation measures.

You may be able to get free or cheaper insulation to reduce your home’s energy bills.

For further information, visit: Apply for support from the Great British Insulation Scheme - GOV.UK (