Find out information about energy advice services available if you find it hard to heat your home or are on low income.  

Energy advice services 

Energy Advice London – Energy Saving Trust  

The Energy Saving Trust is also a good source of information regarding energy saving tips to reduce energy use, save water and access advice on renewable energy installations.  

Energy Advice London 


Ofgem is the energy regulator for Great Britain, and they offer guides about home gas and electricity use including meter readings, energy bills and saving energy.

More information about energy advice for households.


The Southeast London Community Energy partnership offers energy advice for residents in South London. Use the following link to check your eligibility to access energy advice. One-to-one sessions and drop-in sessions are available.  

Energy Advice - SELCE 

South London Healthy Homes 

The South London Healthy Homes program is a free service accessible to Bromley residents along with 12 other London boroughs to help vulnerable residents stay warm and healthy. Anyone eligible can access help to keep their home warm in the winter including energy efficiency advice, installation of energy saving devices and support for home improvement grants.   

Telephone: 0808 169 1779 

South London Healthy Homes | Charlton Athletic Football Club ( 

Additional energy advice can be found on the government website.  

The government also has an energy advice helpline for people to access energy saving advice.  

Telephone: 0800 098 7950 
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm (except bank holidays) 
Saturday, 9am to 12pm 

Grants - advice for landlords 

Private landlords may be able to apply for the Greener Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery (LAD) funding on behalf of tenants who meet the eligibility criteria.  

Landlords are eligible for up to £5,000 to cover 66 per cent of energy efficiency work.  

This means you can get up to £7,500 worth of measures installed for a maximum contribution of £2,500. 

You can also agree to additional works with the scheme manager at your own expense. 

If you own multiple homes and can afford pay 33 per cent of the overall works, you can apply for more than 1 eligible property.