
Walking is an active and healthy way to get around. Bromley also offers 30 square miles of Green Belt countryside to walk recreationally.  

Find more information about walking in Bromley 

Walking trails in Bromley 


Whether it's for your commute, food shop or exercise, cycling is a great way to get around the borough. London Borough of Bromley works to improve access to cycling. 

Cycling has great benefits for our health and wellbeing and reduces noise and air pollution. 

According to CyclingUK, swapping just one trip per day from driving to cycling for 200 days of the year would save half a tonne of carbon dioxide over the course of a year. 

Find cycle ways near you in Bromley: Cycling around Bromley 

Join a cycle club: Cycle clubs 

‘Bikeability’ cycle training is available to people of all skill levels. Find out more information about sessions and how to sign up: 

Find out more advice about safety, bike maintenance and seasonal cycling advice: CyclingUK 

Public Transport 

Opting for public transport instead of driving is a great way to reduce carbon emissions. Transport makes up 30% of the Bromley borough’s emissions, with 90% of that coming from road usage. Using more public transport can reduce vehicle emissions, improve air quality and alleviate traffic.  

Find out the Public transport routes in Bromley.  


Car sharing

Car sharing is also a good way to reduce carbon emissions by reducing the number of cars on the road. Whether it is a work commute, or friends and family going out to the same venue, consider car sharing. Not only is it environmentally friendly, but it can also lead to cost savings.  

Car Clubs 

Car Clubs are a great way to have car transport without ownership of a car. For people with minimal journeys or looking to reduce personal costs, this could be a great way to access a vehicle when in need.  

Car Clubs offer vehicles to members for rental by time periods as short as an hour and collect from parking spaces in their locality without having to travel to a central base.  

Find Car Clubs in Bromley 

Electric and hybrid vehicles

Electric cars and hybrid vehicle uptake can help improve air quality. Hybrid vehicles reduce carbon emissions by reducing fuel consumption and utilizing electricity for short distances. Whereas electric vehicles produce zero tailpipe emissions, contributing to cleaner air quality and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Find out more about electric and hybrid vehicles.