Doorstep criminals

The term is used to describe criminals who target homeowners offering driveway, roofing, gardening, guttering, or other similar work. They make fraudulent and untruthful statements and carry out shoddy work with the intention of obtaining as much money as they can. The people involved in this type of criminality are practised, convincing and organised. Our experience shows they favour the vulnerable members of the community, particularly the elderly and lonely.


  • Do get a minimum of 3 written quotes - prepare a clear detailed brief beforehand.
  • Do seek references, read reliable reviews, ask to visit previous jobs.
  • Do check directly with any reputable organisation named or whose logo is shown on a leaflet/website to make sure the trader is affiliated - if not, report to Bromley Trading Standards.
  • Do get a contract in writing before works commence. Check the terms and conditions. You should be entitled to a 14-day cooling off period - with full written cancellation information and not just a mention on a leaflet or a tick box to say you agree.
  • Do check and verify a trader's insurance.


  • Don't contact traders via leaflets that are delivered through the door - without making thorough checks beforehand.
  • Don't pay large sums of money in advance - schedule payment as works progress.
  • Don't be rushed into deciding - seek advice first from someone you trust.
  • Don't deal with traders at the door - it's okay to say no.

Bromley Trading Standards also runs a fair-trader directory called Trading Standards Checked to help you find a safe, reliable trader that you can trust.

Learn more about Trading Standards Checked.

How to report doorstep crime

If you, a neighbour, or someone you know is being affected by doorstep crime, please contact our Rapid Response line on 07903 852090.

This Rapid Response Service is for Bromley residents only; if you live outside the borough, please contact your local Trading Standards Department through your local council.

If you have other consumer concerns, please contact Citizens Advice Consumer service on 0808 223 1133 or through the Citizens Advice website.

Rapid response number

Telephone: 07903 852090