If there is a problem with a tree in the following locations please report it to us.

  • streets
  • parks, woodlands and open spaces
  • cemeteries and churchyards
  • allotments

This includes if a council maintained tree is damaged, overhangs the highway or needs pruning.

In an emergency 

Emergencies like fallen trees or large branches on the road or pavement can be reported to us on 0300 303 8658. Our contractor will remove them as quickly as possible.

If the tree problem is not an emergency, please report it online here.

Enter a postcode, or street name/area:

Trees in school or library grounds

You should contact the school or library directly about trees at these sites.

Trees on private land

If garden hedges, shrubs, tree branches grow beyond garden boundaries, and are obstructing the pavement or obscuring drivers sightlines please contact us.

Report a problem with overhanging vegetation on the highway.

If you are affected by problems such as overhanging branches from trees on private land please see advice about carrying out work on trees.

Report nuisance high hedges

Find out how to contact us about a problem with a neighbouring high hedge

Tree Preservation Orders