Tree management strategy - Aims and objectives
The aim of this tree management strategy is to ensure that trees are planted, preserved, and managed in accordance with good arboriculture practice, with regard to their contribution to amenity and the landscape, for the benefit of both current and future generations.
We will achieve this aim by setting policies that will enable us to achieve the following objectives:
Strategic objective 1:
To manage the existing tree stock in accordance with good arboricultural practice.
Strategic objective 2:
To maintain a presumption against the removal of trees, allowing felling only in accordance with good arboricultural practice, and ensuring appropriate replacement planting that is desirable, aesthetically necessary, and sustainable.
Strategic objective 3:
To recognise the relationship between trees and the built environment by promoting the ‘right tree, right place’ philosophy for new and replacement planting.
Strategic objective 4:
To ensure the protection of trees, particularly those subject to TPOs and in conservation areas, and to ensure trees on development sites are either retained or that high quality replacement planting is specified and delivered. To initiate prosecution where authorised tree works take place or to take enforcement action where there has been a breach of planning permission and it is expedient to do so.
Strategic objective 5:
To promote the value of trees to residents, businesses and developers through good management and education, and explore ways for greater involvement, consultation and protection of trees and woodlands.