You can use this online form to apply and pay for white bar markings to be installed, however, it is important that any applicant understands that in providing white bar markings on the highway across a private driveway for the purpose of deterring obstructive parking, the council accepts no responsibility for the enforcement or any consequences that may arise from the lines.

The cost of a white bar marking is £150.

White bar marking information and criteria

We decide whether a white bar marking can be installed using the following criteria

  • Consideration will only be given to installing a marking where the turning of vehicles in or out of a driveway is a regular problem.
  • Consideration will not be given to installing a marking where waiting restrictions (yellow lines) are already present or where other carriageway markings would conflict.
  • If the access or driveway is shared with a neighbour, it will be necessary to obtain their agreement to having a white bar marking across both driveways. In these circumstances, the neighbour will also be required to pay the application fee and should therefore be consulted in advance of applying for such a marking.

You can also use this form to arrange for existing worn or faded white bar markings to be repainted.

The cost to repaint an existing white bar marking is £150.

More information on road markings and signs

Use of your personal data
The London Borough of Bromley may use your personal data without your specific consent to provide you with one or more council services, and to comply with the council’s statutory and legal obligations. Information about how the council uses and protects personal data and about personal data rights is available at


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