You can use this form to pay an education penalty notice. If this is your first Penalty Notice within a three year rolling period then as per the letter sent to you, your payment of £80.00 should be made within 21 days.
If you are making payment after 21 days but within 28 days the penalty is double to £160.00.
If this is your second Penalty Notice within a three year rolling period then as per the letter sent to you, there is no lower rate, your payment of £160.00 should be made in 28 days.
Late or part payments will not be accepted and no reminders will be sent. Unpaid Penalty Notices may mean that the matter progresses to a prosecution for poor school attendance.
If a child of compulsory school age who is a registered pupil at a school fails to attend regularly at the school, their parent is guilty of an offence under section 444 of the Education Act 1996.
More information on School Attendance
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