A Youth Council is a democratic organisation created, run and developed by young people for young people. Young people have a right to be involved and have their voices heard in decisions that will impact upon them. This right is enshrined in the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, article 12

What do youth councils do?

They exist to represent the views of young people at a borough level giving young people the opportunity to have a voice, to discuss relevant issues, engage with decision-makers and contribute to improving the lives of young people within their communities.

Bromley Youth Council

Bromley Youth Council is a borough-wide body run by and for young people aged 11-19 (up to 25 for young people with disabilities). Young people are elected to represent their peers through annual youth elections in the borough. The youth council has close links with schools, youth services and other representative bodies of young people.

Bromley Youth Council enables young people to have a say in how local services are organised and connects them with local democracy. The Youth Council meets regularly to discuss issues which are relevant to young people in Bromley and works to influence policy and development within the local authority on behalf of young people.

How do I get involved?

You can get involved with Bromley Youth Council by putting your self forward for elections which take place in January/February each year. Elections take part in schools, colleges, youth organisations etc. If you would like more information please contact us.

How do I contact my local youth councillor?

If you wish to raise an issue, lobby or contact your local youth councillor you can do this by contacting us

Bromley Youth Council

Address: 8 Masons Hill, Bromley, BR2 9EY

Telephone: 07930 574 142