Annual parking services performance report 2022/23

Report produced in accordance with statutory guidance.

  • Financial information

    Section 87 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 provides for guidance to be supplied by the Secretary of State in relation to civil parking enforcement and as set down in Sections 113 through to 117 of the “Secretary of State’s guidance to Local Authorities on the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions”.

    Section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, (as amended), and as modified by regulation 25 of the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (England) General Regulations 2007 sets out the financial provisions relating to designation orders, and specifies how any surplus must be spent, e.g., in the provision or maintenance of off-street parking, highway improvements, etc. Further details on Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

    The following table is an extract of the council’s parking account for 2022/2023, (on-street only).

    Total parking account (£000s) 
    Parking fees £3,285
    Permit fees£661
    Penalty charge income£4,532
    Total income£8,478
    Total expenditure£2,693
    Net surplus for the year (£000s) 
    Balance brought forward £5,785
    Application of fund surplus in 2021/22 £3,542
    Balance carried forward £0
    Application of fund surplus towards the following schemes capital expenditure at 31 March 2023 (£000s)
    Traffic management schemes


    Maintenance of car parks£185
    Improvement schemes£12
    Proportion of concessionary fares£5,202
    Total application of surplus£5,785
  • Statistical information

    Penalty charge bands Higher/more seriousLower/less serious
    Band A (penalty charges issued within Bromley Town Centre Controlled Parking Zone)£130.00 reduced to £65.00 if paid within reduced payment period £80.00 reduced to £40.00 if paid within reduced payment period 
    Band B (penalty charges issued outside of the Bromley Town Centre Controlled Parking Zone) £110.00 reduced to £55.00 if paid within reduced payment period £60.00 reduced to £30.00 if paid within reduced payment period 
    Moving traffic contraventions£130.00 reduced to £65.00 if paid within reduced payment period N/A
    Off street / Car park penalty charges£110.00 reduced to £55.00 if paid within reduced payment period £60.00 reduced to £30.00 if paid within reduced payment period
     Total for 2022/23 period (Financial)
    Higher-level parking penalty charge notices issued41,315
    Lower-level parking penalty charge notices issued30,709
    Moving traffic penalty charge notices issued30,460
    Bus lane penalty charge notices10,590
    All types of penalty charge notices issued113,074
    All types of penalty charge notices paid, (of those issued in the same period)89,165
    All types of penalty charge notices paid at a discount rate51,748
    All types of penalty charge notices against which an informal challenge, (pre-Notice to Owner representation), received in the same period16,954
    All types of penalty charge notices against which a formal representation, (post Notice to Owner representation), received in the same period10,232


  • Performance

    A: Parking contraventions - Top 10 highest contraventions

    Parking Contravention descriptionNumber of penalty charges issued
    01: Parked in a restricted street11,693
    12: Parked in a resident or shared use bay10,319
    11: Parked without payment of charge (on-street)9,340
    73: Parked without payment of charge (off-street)8,545
    06: Parked without clearly displaying a valid pay and display ticket (on-street)6,704
    25: Parked in a loading bay no loading observed4,284
    62: Parked with wheels not on the carriageway (footway parking)3,693
    02: Parked on a loading ban3,102
    05: Parked after expiry of time (on-street)2,362
    47: Parked on restricted bus stop / stand2,252

    B: Notice processing - Cases resolved and written off

    ResolvedA PCN is resolved when we accept a challenge or representation made on statutory grounds or mitigating circumstances. For example, a vehicle parked in a loading bay and a delivery note provided proving loading/unloading was taking place.11,833
    Written OffA PCN is written off when we are unable to pursue the penalty and close the case without accepting payment.  For example, when the DVLA has no information about the registered keeper or when there has been an error in the issue or progression which prevents further recovery action being taken.5,261
    Total Resolved and written off17,094

    A total of 17,904 PCNs issued between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023 were resolved/cancelled as of 13 November 2023.