What is Bromley Parenting Hub?

Bromley Parenting Hub - Building Stronger Parental Relationships

In Bromley we want all our children to grow up, thrive and have the best life chances in families who flourish and are happy to call Bromley home.

This is our ambition and what we strive to achieve every single day.

For our children to thrive and live healthy, safe and secure lives, they need to experience family relationships that are healthy and stable. All relationships have tricky moments – it’s how they are experienced and resolved that matters. Many research studies have proven that positive relationships have a significant impact on the children in those families.

And the opposite is true – parental conflict has a significant and direct negative impact on the children in those families.

The Bromley Parenting Hub pulls together information for all parents in the borough, whether together, separated or considering separation, who want to find ways to improve their relationship and get on better.

See it Differently

We all argue sometimes. Whether that’s with our partners, our parents or other family members, life stresses can put strain on families and lead to conflicts which can impact on children’s mental health and long-term outcomes.

Social change charity Good Things Foundation have partnered with relationship experts One Plus One to produce four short videos which show small changes that we can all make to make life easier for everyone in the family.

Made in partnership with families around the UK, these videos reflect common daily situations and offer up a different way of doing things to reduce the impact of arguments on children.

Remember, you don’t see your arguments. Your kids do.

More information about See it Differently

Chloe's family

Jag's family

Maddie's family

Mahmoud's family