SEND engagement toolkit for practitioners
This toolkit provides guidelines for practitioners when engaging with children and young people with special educational needs (SEND) and their families.
The toolkit will enable practitioners to turn good intentions into effective practice, enabling children, young people with SEND and their parent carers to be involved in discussions and decisions about their individual support and about the Local Offer.
Download the SEND engagement toolkit (PDF - 1.75 MB)
My Life, My Review
These resources provide useful tools for practitioners and families when engaging with children and young people with special educational needs (SEND). The resources will enable practitioners and families to turn good intentions into effective practice, enabling children, young people with SEND to be involved in discussions and decisions about their individual support.
Download My Life My Review booklet (PDF - 377.21 KB)
Download My Life My Review pupil contribution form (PDF - 145.75 KB)
Download My Life My Review pen passport portrait (print version PDF - 152 KB)