Street Friends - Record of risk assessment

Risk assessment on litter picking by volunteers

Who is affected?

All registered Street Friends

Work location:

Public highway (not roads/carriageway)

What could cause harm? Severity Likelihood Risk rating How can you reduce the risk?
Slips, trips and falls (Injury to Street Friend or member of the public) 3 3 9

Work during daylight hours, or in well-lit areas.

Wear suitable sturdy footwear with good grip.

Consider whether the area to be cleaned has any slippery surfaces or slopes and only work if an area if it is safe to do so.

Only litter-pick where there are wide verges or pavements.

Take extra care if near any water hazards such as ponds, rivers, or streams.

Avoid reaching into ditches to remove litter unless it can be safely reached with a litter picker.

Do not leave any items such as litter pickers and plastic bags where they may create a tripping hazard e.g. leave full sacks of litter against something like a tree or lamp column, rather than in the middle of the pavement (footway).

Sharp objects (Injury from things like hypodermic needles, broken bottles, and thorns. 3 4 12

Do not use your hands to collect litter, even if you are wearing gloves.

If you can’t reach an item with your litter-picker, then leave it.

Do not reach into hedges or undergrowth to prevent injury to your face, eyes, or skin from things like hypodermic needles, broken bottles, and thorns.

Double bag items such as broken bottles before placing in the plastic sack, to prevent the sack from splitting.

Avoid compressing collected rubbish in sacks.

Check that your tetanus vaccinations are up to date in case you ever get an injury that breaks the skin. Further details can be found at

Hazardous waste and drug related litter 3 4 12 Drug-related litter, including hypodermic needles and other hazardous items, such as asbestos or an unknown liquid should not be removed under any circumstances. Note the location and report to Bromley Council for specialist removal on, or ring 0300 303 8658 (8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday), or 0300 303 8671 (out of hours). If in doubt, report it rather than removing it.
Dog faeces (Illness such as toxoplasmosis, e. coli and roundworm) 3 3 9

Look out for dog fouling.

Only remove litter using a litter picker, even if wearing gloves.

Heavy items (manual handling injury) 3 3 9

Do not overfill a plastic sack with litter, making it heavy to lift.

Bend your legs and keep your back straight when lifting the full sack.

Please refer to the Manual Handling Operations Regulations: A Brief Guide, that can be found at

Live or dead animals 3 3 9 Do not remove live or dead animals. A cat-sized dead animal or anything larger should be reported to
Weather (Effects of cold - hypothermia) 3 3 9

Wear suitable clothing to keep warm in cold weather.

It is better to wear more layers rather than fewer thick layers.

Have regular warm drinks.

Weather (Effects of heat – hyperthermia) 3 3 9

Wear loose fitting clothing to protect yourself from harmful sunrays and apply a suitable factor suntan lotion to exposed skin.

Keep hydrated by having regular cold drinks.

Vehicular traffic when Litter picking on the pavement/footway (Street Friend struck by moving vehicle) 5 3 15

Only work from the pavement (footway) and never in the road (carriageway).

Wear upper body hi-vis clothing.

Be alert to abnormal traffic behaviour.

Stand back and watch traffic pass if it is in close proximity.

Face on-coming traffic where possible.

Carry a charged mobile phone in case of emergency

Lone working on footway 3 3 9

Avoid working alone where possible.

Let someone know where you’re working and what time you will return home.

Let them know when you have safely returned home.

Carry a charged mobile phone in case of emergency.

Lone working on carriageway 3 3 9

Do not work alone in the road/carriageway.

Minimum of two persons to carry out activity within visibility of each other.

Contact with harmful vegetation (Irritation to skin and eyes) 2 3 6

Avoid contact with harmful plants such as stinging nettles and poisonous ivy. Use a litter picker, gloves and ensure that your legs and feet are covered.

First aid – obtain medical attention if severe symptoms develop.

Physical exertion (Exhaustion, injury) 3 3 9

Ensure that you are healthy enough to litter pick and check with your doctor if necessary.

Work within your own capabilities.

Take frequent breaks.

Children litter picking 3 3 9

Children under 16 should be supervised by an adult.

Volunteers under the age of 18 require consent from a parent/guardian.