Trees in woodlands and conservation sites policy

Policy 11

Woodland cover

The council will protect and enhance the council owned woodland, and as a minimum will maintain the total woodland cover at the existing level.

Policy description

Bromley contains 2,181 hectares of woodland for which the council owns 552 hectares. These are largely mixed broadleaf with areas of coppice and some small areas of conifer plantation.

Through continued professional management, stewardship programmes and grant funding, the council recognises its privileged position as a custodian of this vital resource and will work to ensure its protection and seek to increase woodland quality, as well as woodland cover, when opportunities arise.

The council recognises the importance of maximising biodiversity in all its woodland sites.


All planting in woodlands shall be, where possible, of native species and of local provenance. Any new planting will be consistent with woodland management plans and will support minimisation of the risks associated with imported pests and diseases.

The council will develop woodland management plans for each of its woodlands and will encourage the development of woodland management plans for privately owned woodlands and those owned by other public bodies.

Strategic objective delivery SO1, SO2