Bromley Adult Care Awards - award categories

The following categories listed show what you may choose for a nomination.

If you are entering more than one category, separate entry forms must be completed via the online nomination page.

The Diane Smith Award
(for outstanding contribution to adult care in Bromley)    

This special award will be presented to an individual who can demonstrate to the judges how they have made an outstanding contribution to enhance the lives of people by delivering person centred care whilst making a long-term outstanding contribution to adult social care.

Nominations will be reviewed for the quality, breadth, and impact of the individual’s contributions to adult social care in Bromley and its community.

Evidence should be presented that demonstrates how a single but very important contribution or an effort which is so outstanding that it warrants recognition, e.g. exceptional contribution of expertise, time, skills, facilities, activities that have served a particularly broad community of beneficiaries, or a sustained record of contributions over many years have been outstanding.

Nominations are welcomed from all care settings.

The Team Award

This award will be presented to the team who are able to best demonstrate a shared vision and agreed goals, with a team leader whose role is known and accepted and who takes personal responsibility for their tasks.

Teams should have an excellent communication process and each member’s skills should be recognised within the team. Demonstrating a commitment to dignity and privacy for clients and respect for team members is paramount.

  • The team should be able to demonstrate they are well-led.
  • The best team should be able to demonstrate a shared vision and agreed goals.
  • Has a team leader whose role is known and accepted.
  • Team members are clear on what their role is and take personal responsibility for their tasks.
  • The team has good communications processes, which work.
  • The team can demonstrate co-operation, mutual support, and trust.
  • Skills are recognised and celebrated within the team.
  • The team understands the importance of a high level of morale.
  • Can demonstrate good practice in person centred care and support.
  • Can demonstrate a commitment to dignity and privacy for clients, also respect for team members.
  • Can demonstrate how residents, clients, and/or relatives/carers participate in the development of service.
  • Each member is aware of their own personal development and look for opportunities to absorb knowledge and skills, which benefit performance of the team in giving excellent service to residents/clients. For example, training courses of all types, reading guidance and good practice guides, using toolkits, shadowing, attending workshops and study days, using e-learning, sharing best practice.
  • The team can deal effectively with conflict.
  • The team can show they have special qualities.
  • The team does not stereotype or make assumptions.

The Worker Award

This award recognises the significant role of the Care Worker in consistently providing a high-quality standard, for people living in their own homes wherever that is, attending Day Centres for Older People or people with Learning Disabilities and/or Floating Support Services.

Evidence of dedication, awareness of colleagues and career development through training will be important elements for the judges.

  • Allows the person to make their own decisions and stay in control of their own lives.
  • Encourages independence.
  • Gives an excellent and dignified service to residents/clients.
  • Understands and demonstrates treating each person as an individual by giving a personalised service.
  • Helps people to be more independent wherever possible.
  • Respects people’s right to privacy (example).
  • Involves residents/clients and their relatives/carers in the development of their care (if agreed by the resident/client).
  • Has examples of putting in extra effort for clients, going the extra mile.
  • Is aware of personal development and looks for opportunities to absorb knowledge and skills. For example: mandatory training, specialist training courses of all types, reading guidance and good practice guides, using toolkits, shadowing, attending workshops and study days, using e-learning.
  • Uses initiative.
  • Adaptability, alertness, and responsiveness to the people they care for will be looked for by the judges.
  • Working as part of a close team, where necessary.

The Manager Award

This award will be given to a manager who has demonstrated a high level of expertise together with exceptional skills in managing the complex business of running a care home, home care business, housing with support scheme, such as extra care housing or supported living. 

A manager who shows vision in developing person centred care and supporting staff to meet the ever-changing needs of the residents or service users.

  • Can show how the service is well led.
  • Can demonstrate a high level of expertise together with exceptional skills in the complex business of managing a care home, home care business, housing with support scheme.
  • A manager who demonstrates the ability to change to meet the new social care priorities, can say how they have improved the care.
  • Demonstrates their commitment to good practice in person centred care and support.
  • Demonstrates a commitment to dignity and privacy for residents/clients.
  • Demonstrates an understanding of meaningful activities.
  • Demonstrates a commitment to dignity and privacy for residents/clients.
  • Can demonstrate how residents/clients, and/or relatives/carers participate in the development of service.
  • Examples of how residents/clients have benefited.
  • Can show satisfaction of residents/clients.
  • Can give an example(s) of leadership best practice: induction; supervision and appraisal systems; continuing professional development; qualifications and achievements.
  • Can say how they have improved these or why they work well.
  • Can give an example of supporting staff.
  • Can show how they keep up to date with the latest information.

The Recruitment Award  

This category recognises organisations who have adopted an innovative approach to recruitment. 

We are looking for good examples of recruitment strategies that recruit on values, promote diversity and inclusion to create a highly motivated and skilled workforce. Also, organisations that can demonstrate how they support and develop staff within their organisation.

The Retention Award

This category recognises organisations who have adopted an innovative approach to retention.

We are looking for good examples of retention strategies that value and recognise excellence in the workplace and retain a highly motivated and skilled workforce. Also, organisations that can demonstrate how they support and develop staff within their organisation.