A new library for central Bromley - What do the initial design concepts propose?

Our design concepts set out the potential layout for the ground floor and first floor of the new library.

The ground floor would be accessed directly from the High Street and would contain: 

  • casual study / meeting areas
  • popular fiction and non-fiction books
  • an event space
  • an expanded children’s library including storytelling area (‘snug’)
  • accessible toilets, including a ‘Changing Places’ toilet.

The first floor would be accessible by stairs and a lift, and would contain:

  • a modern study space
  • IT facilities
  • further fiction and non-fiction
  • reference books
  • newspapers / periodicals
  • enhanced local history centre
  • meeting / business rooms for hire
  • further accessible toilets

We would also like your views on two options shown below. Both options include the same facilities as set out above, but there would be some differences in the proposed layout:

  • Option 1 - The library would focus around central stepped seating, providing a space for sitting and reading as well as a place to gather for events. This stepped seating also acts as stairs to link the ground floor and the first floor. The central space (atrium) and rooflight provides connection between the floors and natural light throughout.
  • Option 2 - This contains an L-shaped entrance with stepped seating at the side, creating a natural flow through the space. The side seating (atrium) and skylights provide natural light and further uninterrupted floorspace.