A new library for central Bromley - Background to the relocation of Bromley Central Library

In October 2023, the council announced proposals to relocate Bromley Central Library to a new site at 145 High Street, formerly the ‘Top Shop’.

This prime location in the centre of the town’s main shopping street will be more prominent and easy to find. The move will see an increase in footfall, which will support the local economy and enliven the area well into the evening.

The new site will be able to rehouse the library provisions currently available at Bromley Central Library while also allowing for improvements, including a larger children’s library and attractive modern study areas for visitors to enjoy.

Further details on this announcement.

Public engagement so far

We have been progressing the design and layouts for the new library, drawing on feedback from residents, users and non-users, staff, schools and local stakeholders. Thank you to everyone who has already shared their views on the library proposals.

In July, we conducted a short survey on what people think about the current library and what they would like to see in the new library.

We received over 1,300 responses and are grateful for the helpful feedback we received, which has helped to shape the current designs.