Making representations to a licence application

Notice of applications are displayed at the premises and advertised in a local newspaper. If you do wish to make representations we must receive them in writing (e-mail is acceptable) before the date shown on the page.

Representations must be based on one or more of the 4 Licensing objectives:-  

  •  Crime and disorder
  •  Public nuisance
  •  Public safety
  •  Protection of children from harm

If valid representations are received before the deadline date a Licensing Sub Committee will sit to hear this application.  If you make a written representation you will be informed of the date and time for the hearing and  invited to attend. You would need to contact us if you wish to speak in support of your written representation as there are specific timescales.

Residents making representations

More information about how the licensing act allows the views of local people and businesses to have a say in licensing decisions that affect them.

Important Note

All valid representations will form part of a committee report that will become a public document. It will be given to both the applicant, his agent and any other party requesting a copy as well as the Licensing Sub Committee 10 days prior to the hearing. Whilst representation cannot be made anonymously we can, if requested in writing, remove the name and house number from individual representations.

Unless we are directed to remove them these details will appear in full in the report.

Experience has shown that anonymous representations made in this way do not carry as much weight in the eyes of the Sub Committee as those showing the full details of the person making the representations.


Address: Public Protection, Bromley Civic Centre, Churchill Court, 2 Westmoreland Road, Bromley, BR1 1AS.

Telephone: 0300 303 8657