Pet vending: application

Fees applicable from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025.

Pet vending: application Part A
Council administration charge   £151.00
Pet vending vet fees New applicant vet inspection £437.00 up to 2 species. More than 2 £499.00
  Renewal applicant inspection with kennel units £374.00
New and renewal. This fee is payable on application in all cases. Part A = Council admin charge +
appropriate vet fee above.
After inspection on determination of the risk rating the length of licence will be determined. On granting
the application the part B aspect of the application becomes payable before the licence is issued.
Part B
Council administration charge 1 year licence = £70.00
2 year licence = £142.00
3 year licence = £210.00
Mid term inspection by vet (unannounced) £187.00
    Part B= Council admin charge determined
by length of licence + appropriate vet fee
To calculate your total licence fee which must be paid in full prior to trading insert the figures (£) in the boxes on the right. A + B
  Council admin charge part A  
  Vet fee (type of premises and application)  
  Council admin charge part B determined from length of licence period  
  Vet fee (type of premises and application)  
  Total fee payable A + B = £0.00