If you are concerned about an incorrectly parked vehicle, please refer to the table below for information about organisational responsibility for parking enforcement in the borough.

Parking enforcement responsibility

Bromley Council Police Transport for London (TFL)
Yellow lines Obstructing the highway - blocking the road where there are no yellow lines, or outside of the restricted period of an existing yellow line  Red routes
Footway, pavement including grass verges    
School keep clear markings Within 10m of a junction - where there are no yellow lines, or outside of any restricted period of an yellow line.  

Adjacent to a dropped kerb (or in front of/next to a dropped kerb) 

Double parking – vehicles parked on the opposite side of the road causing obstruction  
Disabled bay (without a blue badge)    
Bus stop    
Pedestrian crossing zig zags    

The council is also responsible for enforcing paid for parking bays and permit bays. Please be aware though that most parking permits and exemptions are virtual which means they are arranged through an online process and the holder is not required to display anything in their vehicle. Our officers can trace a parking permit or exemption associated with a parked vehicle when they enter the vehicle registration into their handheld equipment.

Parking enforcement is carried out by a contractor on the council’s behalf and may result in the issue of a Penalty Charge Notice.

You can use our online service to report incorrect parking and enforcement will be carried out as resources allow.

Report incorrect parking

If you cannot complete an online form to make your report, you can call our contact centre between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, on 0300 303 8662 (option 5), and an advisor will complete the report on your behalf.

Outside of these hours, please use the online form and your report will be directed to enforcement officers on duty.